Little Grand Canyon Trail
521 North Main, Jonesboro, IL 62952
Bird & Eagle Watching
A recreational area in the Shawnee National Forest.
Over time, erosion has carved this deep box canyon exposing its majestic bluffs. A cool and lush bottomland habitat thrives on the canyon floor. Along the upper portions of the trail visitors encounter expansive views of the colorful cliffs, the Big Muddy River and the Mississippi River floodplain. The canyon floor showcases seasonal waterfalls, large sandstone overhangs and towering beech and sycamore trees. A 3.6-mile loop trail that has drastic changes in elevation - from 350 to 700 feet at the trailhead. In one 1/4-mile section the trails rises 300 to 400 feet. The trail follows rocky creek beds, winds next to sheer, majestic bluffs. From the higher elevations there are panoramic views of the canyon, the Big Muddy River bottoms and Fountaim Bluff. Interpretive signs explain the geological history.
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